File Now

Before you start a new report, please make sure to have the company's EIN/TAX ID number and a copy of each Beneficial Owner's state issued ID such as a driver's license or passport. You can file the report from your cell phone, tablet, or computer. Comply on the Fly and complete your report in 5-10 minutes.
FILE NOW for $145
BOI Compliance, LLC (“BOI Comp”) is not affiliated with the US Department of Treasury’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) directly. FinCEN permits third-party service providers to assist business owners in submitting reports through FinCEN’s BOI E-filing website or an Application Programming Interface. Once BOI Comp submits your report to FinCEN, you will receive confirmation. FinCEN does not charge a fee if you wish to navigate the government’s reporting application process yourself and submit your company’s BOI report directly to FinCEN.